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Parent Morning in Early Years

Posted: 11th November 2022

Nursery, Kindergarten and Reception have been exploring the theme Land, Sea and Sky this half term and we’ve loved using our imagination and making links between what we already know about and finding out new things.  It’s been a brilliant topic for developing our communication and language skills as well as developing connections across topics.  These are essential skills for effective learning and retention of knowledge so will serve us well as we move through the school.  We complete art activities all the time but we spent a morning this week creating items to make a new display for our corridor.  Designed by our wonderful Teaching Assistant, Miss Pollard, each class had a different focus to complete for our display. 

We invited parents to join in with our art session and were, again, overwhelmed by the number of special guests we ended up having join us – uncles, grandparents, younger siblings and parents aplenty!  ALL children benefit from additional adults coming into school (as those whose grown ups could not join in get additional attention from the staff!) and we all love to share our classrooms with everyone!

Categories: General News Pre Prep