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24/05/24  Headteacher’s Blog

Posted: 24th May 2024

It would have been lovely to have enjoyed a longer spell of sunshine and warmth recently as we break for this mid-point in the summer term, but we remain hopeful that as we return for the last stretch of this academic year we will be blessed with the weather to keep us smiling!

The weather, however, has not stopped the busy-ness of school life in a term which is always so full.

Learning Review

This week we have welcomed a team of 4, teachers and a Headteacher, from schools in the Bellevue group for our annual Learning Review.  This is a rigorous process through which we analyse and assess the impact of the improvements to teaching and learning we have been making as a staff. This year our focus has been on ensuring stretch and challenge for each pupil and within all lessons, predominantly through a range of questioning techniques and adaptive teaching strategies that enables teachers to skillfully enable each individual to fulfill their potential. 

Any class will have a range of abilities, but this is complemented by a range of learning styles, approaches and different levels of confidence within every learner in their class. It is the nuanced approach to adaptive teaching that can draw out these abilities, stretch beyond their expectations while also supporting those who require a different pace or approach. This is not only a skilled teaching style but also requires an expert eye of practitioners to observe.This was the role of the team visiting this week, to provide external validation and comment on our developments.

It was therefore so pleasing to hear the positive and insightful feedback from the whole team, they were able to see how the well developed relationships teachers have with every child supports this nuanced adaptive teaching style, and how children were being supported and stretched in their learning within our high expectations for all. A highlight for the team is to meet with children and ask them frank questions about how they feel about their learning. Typically they are very honest!

One comment stood out though, when asked how the school could be improved, they replied “well, how could it ever be better!” 

A lovely note on which to finish for half term.

I wish you all a restful and hopefully warm break!

Mrs Sarah Evans


Categories: Headteachers Blog