Our Early Years Curriculum
We are passionate about developing the whole child, including their academic, personal, emotional and social development. This begins in Pre Prep where we ensure the children are happy, bouncing into school with confidence and a readiness to build the foundations for positive learning behaviours and develop a curiosity for learning which is, initially, through play.
Our youngest learners are part of the Weston Green family. They have access to all the shared spaces within the school, such as the lovely library, the Quiet Courtyard and the Music hall. They get to know staff and children from other year groups and expand their social and learning experiences. We learn about the children – what they like, what they need and how they see themselves in their learning. Our small class sizes allow us to give each child the space and time they deserve and we see them grow and flourish every day.
We recognise that each child is unique and we are committed to providing a high quality educational experience for all our pupils, in an atmosphere of security, respect and confidence. Pre Prep is a crucial time in a child’s development. During this stage, their bodies and brains develop rapidly as they build their physical strength, explore their world, develop language and gain social and emotional skills. This is a rate of change that will never be matched again. The Weston Green Early Years experience ensures that the children are supported, challenged and guided onto their next steps in Lower Prep as confident, kind, resilient and enthusiastic learners.
Extended Care
Children can attend school from as early as 7.45am and can stay at school, in our extended school care up to 6.00pm each day. Find out more about extended care.
Childcare Entitlement
From the term following your child’s third birthday the Government provides 15 hours free childcare entitlement for all 3 and 4 year olds. We accept childcare vouchers for payment of before and after school care, together with Pre Prep and Reception school fees for children still in receipt of Early Years funding.